3.2 Spheres

Spheres are a special case of a general type of surface called quadrics—surfaces described by quadratic polynomials in x , y , and  z . They are the simplest type of curved surface that is useful to a ray tracer and are a good starting point for general ray intersection routines. pbrt supports six types of quadrics: spheres, cones, disks (a special case of a cone), cylinders, hyperboloids, and paraboloids.

Many surfaces can be described in one of two main ways: in implicit form and in parametric form. An implicit function describes a 3D surface as

f left-parenthesis x comma y comma z right-parenthesis equals 0 period

The set of all points ( x , y , z ) that fulfill this condition defines the surface. For a unit sphere at the origin, the familiar implicit equation is x squared plus y squared plus z squared minus 1 equals 0 . Only the set of points one unit from the origin satisfies this constraint, giving the unit sphere’s surface.

Many surfaces can also be described parametrically using a function to map 2D points to 3D points on the surface. For example, a sphere of radius r can be described as a function of 2D spherical coordinates left-parenthesis theta comma phi right-parenthesis , where theta ranges from 0 to pi and phi ranges from 0 to 2 pi (Figure 3.4):

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column x 2nd Column equals r sine theta cosine phi 2nd Row 1st Column y 2nd Column equals r sine theta sine phi 3rd Row 1st Column z 2nd Column equals r cosine theta period EndLayout

Figure 3.4: Basic Setting for the Sphere Shape. It has a radius of r and is centered at the object space origin. A partial sphere may be described by specifying a maximum phi value.

We can transform this function f left-parenthesis theta comma phi right-parenthesis into a function f left-parenthesis u comma v right-parenthesis over left-bracket 0 comma 1 right-bracket squared and also generalize it slightly to allow partial spheres that only sweep out theta element-of left-bracket theta Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline comma theta Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline right-bracket and phi element-of left-bracket 0 comma phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline right-bracket with the substitution

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column phi 2nd Column equals u phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column theta 2nd Column equals theta Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline plus v left-parenthesis theta Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline minus theta Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline right-parenthesis period EndLayout

This form is particularly useful for texture mapping, where it can be directly used to map a texture defined over left-bracket 0 comma 1 right-bracket squared to the sphere. Figure 3.5 shows an image of two spheres; a grid image map has been used to show the left-parenthesis u comma v right-parenthesis parameterization.

Figure 3.5: Two Spheres. On the left is a complete sphere, and on the right is a partial sphere (with z Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline less-than r and phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline less-than 2 pi ). Note that the texture map used shows the left-parenthesis u comma v right-parenthesis parameterization of the shape; the singularity at one of the poles is visible in the complete sphere.

As we describe the implementation of the sphere shape, we will make use of both the implicit and parametric descriptions of the shape, depending on which is a more natural way to approach the particular problem we’re facing.

The Sphere class represents a sphere that is centered at the origin in object space. Its implementation is in the files shapes/sphere.h and shapes/sphere.cpp.

<<Sphere Declarations>>= 
class Sphere : public Shape { public: <<Sphere Public Methods>> 
Sphere(const Transform *ObjectToWorld, const Transform *WorldToObject, bool reverseOrientation, Float radius, Float zMin, Float zMax, Float phiMax) : Shape(ObjectToWorld, WorldToObject, reverseOrientation), radius(radius), zMin(Clamp(std::min(zMin, zMax), -radius, radius)), zMax(Clamp(std::max(zMin, zMax), -radius, radius)), thetaMin(std::acos(Clamp(zMin / radius, -1, 1))), thetaMax(std::acos(Clamp(zMax / radius, -1, 1))), phiMax(Radians(Clamp(phiMax, 0, 360))) { } Bounds3f ObjectBound() const; bool Intersect(const Ray &ray, Float *tHit, SurfaceInteraction *isect, bool testAlphaTexture) const; bool IntersectP(const Ray &ray, bool testAlphaTexture) const; Float Area() const; Interaction Sample(const Point2f &u) const; Interaction Sample(const Interaction &ref, const Point2f &u) const; Float Pdf(const Interaction &ref, const Vector3f &wi) const;
private: <<Sphere Private Data>> 
const Float radius; const Float zMin, zMax; const Float thetaMin, thetaMax, phiMax;

To place a sphere elsewhere in the scene, the user must apply an appropriate transformation when specifying the sphere in the input file. It takes both the object-to-world and world-to-object transformations as parameters to the constructor, passing them along to the parent Shape constructor.

The radius of the sphere can have an arbitrary positive value, and the sphere’s extent can be truncated in two different ways. First, minimum and maximum z values may be set; the parts of the sphere below and above these planes, respectively, are cut off. Second, considering the parameterization of the sphere in spherical coordinates, a maximum phi value can be set. The sphere sweeps out phi values from 0 to the given phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x such that the section of the sphere with spherical phi values above phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x is also removed.

<<Sphere Public Methods>>= 
Sphere(const Transform *ObjectToWorld, const Transform *WorldToObject, bool reverseOrientation, Float radius, Float zMin, Float zMax, Float phiMax) : Shape(ObjectToWorld, WorldToObject, reverseOrientation), radius(radius), zMin(Clamp(std::min(zMin, zMax), -radius, radius)), zMax(Clamp(std::max(zMin, zMax), -radius, radius)), thetaMin(std::acos(Clamp(zMin / radius, -1, 1))), thetaMax(std::acos(Clamp(zMax / radius, -1, 1))), phiMax(Radians(Clamp(phiMax, 0, 360))) { }

<<Sphere Private Data>>= 
const Float radius; const Float zMin, zMax; const Float thetaMin, thetaMax, phiMax;

3.2.1 Bounding

Computing an object space bounding box for a sphere is straightforward. The implementation here uses the values of z Subscript normal m normal i normal n and z Subscript normal m normal a normal x provided by the user to tighten up the bound when less than an entire sphere is being rendered. However, it doesn’t do the extra work to compute a tighter bounding box when phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x is less than 3 pi slash 2 . This improvement is left as an exercise.

<<Sphere Method Definitions>>= 
Bounds3f Sphere::ObjectBound() const { return Bounds3f(Point3f(-radius, -radius, zMin), Point3f( radius, radius, zMax)); }

3.2.2 Intersection Tests

The task of deriving a ray–sphere intersection test is simplified by the fact that the sphere is centered at the origin. However, if the sphere has been transformed to another position in world space, then it is necessary to transform rays to object space before intersecting them with the sphere, using the world-to-object transformation. Given a ray in object space, the intersection computation can be performed in object space instead.

The following fragment shows the entire intersection method:

<<Sphere Method Definitions>>+=  
bool Sphere::Intersect(const Ray &r, Float *tHit, SurfaceInteraction *isect, bool testAlphaTexture) const { Float phi; Point3f pHit; <<Transform Ray to object space>> 
Vector3f oErr, dErr; Ray ray = (*WorldToObject)(r, &oErr, &dErr);
<<Compute quadratic sphere coefficients>> 
<<Initialize EFloat ray coordinate values>> 
EFloat ox(ray.o.x, oErr.x), oy(ray.o.y, oErr.y), oz(ray.o.z, oErr.z); EFloat dx(ray.d.x, dErr.x), dy(ray.d.y, dErr.y), dz(ray.d.z, dErr.z);
EFloat a = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; EFloat b = 2 * (dx * ox + dy * oy + dz * oz); EFloat c = ox * ox + oy * oy + oz * oz - EFloat(radius) * EFloat(radius);
<<Solve quadratic equation for t values>> 
EFloat t0, t1; if (!Quadratic(a, b, c, &t0, &t1)) return false; <<Check quadric shape t0 and t1 for nearest intersection>> 
if (t0.UpperBound() > ray.tMax || t1.LowerBound() <= 0) return false; EFloat tShapeHit = t0; if (tShapeHit.LowerBound() <= 0) { tShapeHit = t1; if (tShapeHit.UpperBound() > ray.tMax) return false; }
<<Compute sphere hit position and phi >> 
pHit = ray((Float)tShapeHit); <<Refine sphere intersection point>> 
pHit *= radius / Distance(pHit, Point3f(0, 0, 0));
if (pHit.x == 0 && pHit.y == 0) pHit.x = 1e-5f * radius; phi = std::atan2(pHit.y, pHit.x); if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * Pi;
<<Test sphere intersection against clipping parameters>> 
if ((zMin > -radius && pHit.z < zMin) || (zMax < radius && pHit.z > zMax) || phi > phiMax) { if (tShapeHit == t1) return false; if (t1.UpperBound() > ray.tMax) return false; tShapeHit = t1; <<Compute sphere hit position and phi >> 
pHit = ray((Float)tShapeHit); <<Refine sphere intersection point>> 
pHit *= radius / Distance(pHit, Point3f(0, 0, 0));
if (pHit.x == 0 && pHit.y == 0) pHit.x = 1e-5f * radius; phi = std::atan2(pHit.y, pHit.x); if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * Pi;
if ((zMin > -radius && pHit.z < zMin) || (zMax < radius && pHit.z > zMax) || phi > phiMax) return false; }
<<Find parametric representation of sphere hit>> 
Float u = phi / phiMax; Float theta = std::acos(Clamp(pHit.z / radius, -1, 1)); Float v = (theta - thetaMin) / (thetaMax - thetaMin); <<Compute sphere partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential u and partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential v >> 
Float zRadius = std::sqrt(pHit.x * pHit.x + pHit.y * pHit.y); Float invZRadius = 1 / zRadius; Float cosPhi = pHit.x * invZRadius; Float sinPhi = pHit.y * invZRadius; Vector3f dpdu(-phiMax * pHit.y, phiMax * pHit.x, 0); Vector3f dpdv = (thetaMax - thetaMin) * Vector3f(pHit.z * cosPhi, pHit.z * sinPhi, -radius * std::sin(theta));
<<Compute sphere partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v >> 
Vector3f d2Pduu = -phiMax * phiMax * Vector3f(pHit.x, pHit.y, 0); Vector3f d2Pduv = (thetaMax - thetaMin) * pHit.z * phiMax * Vector3f(-sinPhi, cosPhi, 0.); Vector3f d2Pdvv = -(thetaMax - thetaMin) * (thetaMax - thetaMin) * Vector3f(pHit.x, pHit.y, pHit.z); <<Compute coefficients for fundamental forms>> 
Float E = Dot(dpdu, dpdu); Float F = Dot(dpdu, dpdv); Float G = Dot(dpdv, dpdv); Vector3f N = Normalize(Cross(dpdu, dpdv)); Float e = Dot(N, d2Pduu); Float f = Dot(N, d2Pduv); Float g = Dot(N, d2Pdvv);
<<Compute partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v from fundamental form coefficients>> 
Float invEGF2 = 1 / (E * G - F * F); Normal3f dndu = Normal3f((f * F - e * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (e * F - f * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv); Normal3f dndv = Normal3f((g * F - f * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (f * F - g * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv);
<<Compute error bounds for sphere intersection>> 
Vector3f pError = gamma(5) * Abs((Vector3f)pHit);
<<Initialize SurfaceInteraction from parametric information>> 
*isect = (*ObjectToWorld)( SurfaceInteraction(pHit, pError, Point2f(u, v), -ray.d, dpdu, dpdv, dndu, dndv, ray.time, this));
<<Update tHit for quadric intersection>> 
*tHit = (Float)tShapeHit;
return true; }

First, the given world space ray is transformed to the sphere’s object space. The remainder of the intersection test will take place in that coordinate system. The oErr and dErr variables respectively bound the floating-point round-off error in the transformed ray’s origin and direction that was introduced by applying the transformation. (See Section 3.9 for more information about floating-point arithmetic and its implications for accurate ray intersection calculations.)

<<Transform Ray to object space>>= 
Vector3f oErr, dErr; Ray ray = (*WorldToObject)(r, &oErr, &dErr);

If a sphere is centered at the origin with radius r , its implicit representation is

x squared plus y squared plus z squared minus r squared equals 0 period

By substituting the parametric representation of the ray from Equation (2.3) into the implicit sphere equation, we have

left-parenthesis normal o Subscript x Baseline plus t bold d Subscript x Baseline right-parenthesis squared plus left-parenthesis normal o Subscript y Baseline plus t bold d Subscript y Baseline right-parenthesis squared plus left-parenthesis normal o Subscript z Baseline plus t bold d Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis squared equals r squared period

Note that all elements of this equation besides t are known values. The t values where the equation holds give the parametric positions along the ray where the implicit sphere equation holds and thus the points along the ray where it intersects the sphere. We can expand this equation and gather the coefficients for a general quadratic equation in  t ,

a t squared plus b t plus c equals 0 comma


StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column a 2nd Column equals bold d Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus bold d Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline plus bold d Subscript z Superscript 2 Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column b 2nd Column equals 2 left-parenthesis bold d Subscript x Baseline normal o Subscript x Baseline plus bold d Subscript y Baseline normal o Subscript y Baseline plus bold d Subscript z Baseline normal o Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column c 2nd Column equals normal o Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus normal o Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline plus normal o Subscript z Superscript 2 Baseline minus r squared period EndLayout

This result directly translates to this fragment of source code. Note that in this code, instances of the EFloat class, not Floats, are used to represent floating-point values. EFloat tracks accumulated floating-point rounding error; its use is discussed in Section 3.9. For now, it can just be read as being equivalent to Float.

<<Compute quadratic sphere coefficients>>= 
<<Initialize EFloat ray coordinate values>> 
EFloat ox(ray.o.x, oErr.x), oy(ray.o.y, oErr.y), oz(ray.o.z, oErr.z); EFloat dx(ray.d.x, dErr.x), dy(ray.d.y, dErr.y), dz(ray.d.z, dErr.z);
EFloat a = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; EFloat b = 2 * (dx * ox + dy * oy + dz * oz); EFloat c = ox * ox + oy * oy + oz * oz - EFloat(radius) * EFloat(radius);

The ray origin and direction values used in the intersection test are initialized with the floating-point error bounds from transforming the ray to object space.

<<Initialize EFloat ray coordinate values>>= 
EFloat ox(ray.o.x, oErr.x), oy(ray.o.y, oErr.y), oz(ray.o.z, oErr.z); EFloat dx(ray.d.x, dErr.x), dy(ray.d.y, dErr.y), dz(ray.d.z, dErr.z);

There are two possible solutions to the quadratic equation, giving zero, one, or two nonimaginary t values where the ray intersects the sphere.

<<Solve quadratic equation for t values>>= 
EFloat t0, t1; if (!Quadratic(a, b, c, &t0, &t1)) return false; <<Check quadric shape t0 and t1 for nearest intersection>> 
if (t0.UpperBound() > ray.tMax || t1.LowerBound() <= 0) return false; EFloat tShapeHit = t0; if (tShapeHit.LowerBound() <= 0) { tShapeHit = t1; if (tShapeHit.UpperBound() > ray.tMax) return false; }

The Quadratic() utility function solves a quadratic equation, returning false if there are no real solutions and returning true and setting t0 and t1 appropriately if there are solutions. It is defined later in Section 3.9.4, where we discuss how to implement it robustly using floating-point arithmetic.

The computed parametric distances t0 and t1 track uncertainty due to errors in the original ray parameters and errors accrued in Quadratic(); the lower and upper range of the uncertainty interval can be queried using the methods EFloat::LowerBound() and EFloat::UpperBound().

The fragment <<Check quadric shape t0 and t1 for nearest intersection>> takes the two intersection t values and determines which, if any, is the closest valid intersection. For an intersection to be valid, its t value must be greater than zero and less than ray.tMax. The following code uses the error intervals provided by the EFloat class and only accepts intersections that are unequivocally in the range left-parenthesis 0 comma monospace t monospace upper M monospace a monospace x monospace right-parenthesis .

Since t 0 is guaranteed to be less than or equal to t 1 (and 0 is less than tMax), then if t 0 is greater than tMax or t 1 is less than 0 , it is certain that both intersections are out of the range of interest. Otherwise, t 0 is the tentative hit t value. It may be less than 0 , however, in which case we ignore it and try t 1 . If that is also out of range, we have no valid intersection. If there is an intersection, then tShapeHit is initialized to hold the parametric t value for the intersection.

<<Check quadric shape t0 and t1 for nearest intersection>>= 
if (t0.UpperBound() > ray.tMax || t1.LowerBound() <= 0) return false; EFloat tShapeHit = t0; if (tShapeHit.LowerBound() <= 0) { tShapeHit = t1; if (tShapeHit.UpperBound() > ray.tMax) return false; }

Given the parametric distance along the ray to the intersection with a full sphere, the intersection point pHit can be computed as that offset along the ray.

It is next necessary to handle partial spheres with clipped z or phi ranges—intersections that are in clipped areas must be ignored. The implementation starts by computing the phi value for the hit point. Using the parametric representation of the sphere,

StartFraction y Over x EndFraction equals StartFraction r sine theta sine phi Over r sine theta cosine phi EndFraction equals tangent phi comma

so phi equals arc tangent y slash x . It is necessary to remap the result of the standard library’s std::atan() function to a value between 0 and 2 pi , to match the sphere’s original definition.

<<Compute sphere hit position and phi >>= 
pHit = ray((Float)tShapeHit); <<Refine sphere intersection point>> 
pHit *= radius / Distance(pHit, Point3f(0, 0, 0));
if (pHit.x == 0 && pHit.y == 0) pHit.x = 1e-5f * radius; phi = std::atan2(pHit.y, pHit.x); if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * Pi;

Due to floating-point precision limitations, this computed intersection point pHit may lie a bit to one side of the actual sphere surface; the <<Refine sphere intersection point>> fragment, which is defined in Section 3.9.4, improves the precision of this value.

The hit point can now be tested against the specified minima and maxima for z and phi . One subtlety is that it’s important to skip the z tests if the z range includes the entire sphere; the computed pHit.z value may be slightly out of the z range due to floating-point round-off, so we should only perform this test when the user expects the sphere to be partially incomplete. If the t 0 intersection wasn’t actually valid, the routine tries again with t 1 .

<<Test sphere intersection against clipping parameters>>= 
if ((zMin > -radius && pHit.z < zMin) || (zMax < radius && pHit.z > zMax) || phi > phiMax) { if (tShapeHit == t1) return false; if (t1.UpperBound() > ray.tMax) return false; tShapeHit = t1; <<Compute sphere hit position and phi >> 
pHit = ray((Float)tShapeHit); <<Refine sphere intersection point>> 
pHit *= radius / Distance(pHit, Point3f(0, 0, 0));
if (pHit.x == 0 && pHit.y == 0) pHit.x = 1e-5f * radius; phi = std::atan2(pHit.y, pHit.x); if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * Pi;
if ((zMin > -radius && pHit.z < zMin) || (zMax < radius && pHit.z > zMax) || phi > phiMax) return false; }

At this point in the routine, it is certain that the ray hits the sphere. The method next computes u and v values by scaling the previously computed phi value for the hit to lie between 0 and 1 and by computing a theta value between 0 and 1 for the hit point, based on the range of theta values for the given sphere. Then it finds the parametric partial derivatives of position partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential u and partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential v and surface normal partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v .

<<Find parametric representation of sphere hit>>= 
Float u = phi / phiMax; Float theta = std::acos(Clamp(pHit.z / radius, -1, 1)); Float v = (theta - thetaMin) / (thetaMax - thetaMin); <<Compute sphere partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential u and partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential v >> 
Float zRadius = std::sqrt(pHit.x * pHit.x + pHit.y * pHit.y); Float invZRadius = 1 / zRadius; Float cosPhi = pHit.x * invZRadius; Float sinPhi = pHit.y * invZRadius; Vector3f dpdu(-phiMax * pHit.y, phiMax * pHit.x, 0); Vector3f dpdv = (thetaMax - thetaMin) * Vector3f(pHit.z * cosPhi, pHit.z * sinPhi, -radius * std::sin(theta));
<<Compute sphere partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v >> 
Vector3f d2Pduu = -phiMax * phiMax * Vector3f(pHit.x, pHit.y, 0); Vector3f d2Pduv = (thetaMax - thetaMin) * pHit.z * phiMax * Vector3f(-sinPhi, cosPhi, 0.); Vector3f d2Pdvv = -(thetaMax - thetaMin) * (thetaMax - thetaMin) * Vector3f(pHit.x, pHit.y, pHit.z); <<Compute coefficients for fundamental forms>> 
Float E = Dot(dpdu, dpdu); Float F = Dot(dpdu, dpdv); Float G = Dot(dpdv, dpdv); Vector3f N = Normalize(Cross(dpdu, dpdv)); Float e = Dot(N, d2Pduu); Float f = Dot(N, d2Pduv); Float g = Dot(N, d2Pdvv);
<<Compute partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v from fundamental form coefficients>> 
Float invEGF2 = 1 / (E * G - F * F); Normal3f dndu = Normal3f((f * F - e * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (e * F - f * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv); Normal3f dndv = Normal3f((g * F - f * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (f * F - g * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv);

Computing the partial derivatives of a point on the sphere is a short exercise in algebra. Here we will show how the x component of partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential u , partial-differential normal p Subscript x slash partial-differential u , is calculated; the other components are found similarly. Using the parametric definition of the sphere, we have

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column x 2nd Column equals r sine theta cosine phi 2nd Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript x Baseline Over partial-differential u EndFraction 2nd Column equals StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential u EndFraction left-parenthesis r sine theta cosine phi right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals r sine theta StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential u EndFraction left-parenthesis cosine phi right-parenthesis 4th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals r sine theta left-parenthesis minus phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline sine phi right-parenthesis period EndLayout

Using a substitution based on the parametric definition of the sphere’s y coordinate, this simplifies to

StartFraction partial-differential normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript x Baseline Over partial-differential u EndFraction equals minus phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline y period


StartFraction partial-differential normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript y Baseline Over partial-differential u EndFraction equals phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline x comma


StartFraction partial-differential normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript z Baseline Over partial-differential u EndFraction equals 0 period

A similar process gives partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential v . The complete result is

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential u EndFraction 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis minus phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline y comma phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline x comma 0 right-parenthesis 2nd Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential v EndFraction 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis theta Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline minus theta Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis z cosine phi comma z sine phi comma minus r sine theta right-parenthesis period EndLayout

<<Compute sphere partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential u and partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential v >>= 
Float zRadius = std::sqrt(pHit.x * pHit.x + pHit.y * pHit.y); Float invZRadius = 1 / zRadius; Float cosPhi = pHit.x * invZRadius; Float sinPhi = pHit.y * invZRadius; Vector3f dpdu(-phiMax * pHit.y, phiMax * pHit.x, 0); Vector3f dpdv = (thetaMax - thetaMin) * Vector3f(pHit.z * cosPhi, pHit.z * sinPhi, -radius * std::sin(theta));

3.2.3 Partial Derivatives of Normal Vectors

It is also useful to determine how the normal changes as we move along the surface in the u and v directions. For example, the antialiasing techniques in Chapter 10 are dependent on this information to antialias textures on objects that are seen reflected in curved surfaces. The differential changes in normal partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v are given by the Weingarten equations from differential geometry:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential bold n Over partial-differential u EndFraction 2nd Column equals StartFraction f upper F minus e upper G Over upper E upper G minus upper F squared EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential u EndFraction plus StartFraction e upper F minus f upper E Over upper E upper G minus upper F squared EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential v EndFraction 2nd Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential bold n Over partial-differential v EndFraction 2nd Column equals StartFraction g upper F minus f upper G Over upper E upper G minus upper F squared EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential u EndFraction plus StartFraction f upper F minus g upper E Over upper E upper G minus upper F squared EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential v EndFraction comma EndLayout

where upper E , upper F , and upper G are coefficients of the first fundamental form and are given by

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E 2nd Column equals StartAbsoluteValue StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential u EndFraction EndAbsoluteValue squared 2nd Row 1st Column upper F 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential u EndFraction dot StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential v EndFraction right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column upper G 2nd Column equals StartAbsoluteValue StartFraction partial-differential normal p Over partial-differential v EndFraction EndAbsoluteValue squared period EndLayout

These are easily computed with the partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential u and partial-differential normal p slash partial-differential v values found earlier. The e , f , and g are coefficients of the second fundamental form,

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column e 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis bold n Subscript Baseline dot StartFraction partial-differential squared normal p Over partial-differential u squared EndFraction right-parenthesis 2nd Row 1st Column f 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis bold n Subscript Baseline dot StartFraction partial-differential squared normal p Over partial-differential u partial-differential v EndFraction right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column g 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis bold n Subscript Baseline dot StartFraction partial-differential squared normal p Over partial-differential v squared EndFraction right-parenthesis period EndLayout

The two fundamental forms capture elementary metric properties of a surface, including notions of distance, angle, and curvature; see a differential geometry textbook such as Gray (1993) for details. To find e , f , and g , it is necessary to compute the second-order partial derivatives partial-differential squared normal p slash partial-differential u squared and so on.

For spheres, a little more algebra gives the second derivatives:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential squared normal p Over partial-differential u squared EndFraction 2nd Column equals minus phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Superscript 2 Baseline left-parenthesis x comma y comma 0 right-parenthesis 2nd Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential squared normal p Over partial-differential u partial-differential v EndFraction 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis theta Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline minus theta Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline right-parenthesis z phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline left-parenthesis minus sine phi comma cosine phi comma 0 right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential squared normal p Over partial-differential v squared EndFraction 2nd Column equals minus left-parenthesis theta Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline minus theta Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline right-parenthesis squared left-parenthesis x comma y comma z right-parenthesis period EndLayout

<<Compute sphere partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v >>= 
Vector3f d2Pduu = -phiMax * phiMax * Vector3f(pHit.x, pHit.y, 0); Vector3f d2Pduv = (thetaMax - thetaMin) * pHit.z * phiMax * Vector3f(-sinPhi, cosPhi, 0.); Vector3f d2Pdvv = -(thetaMax - thetaMin) * (thetaMax - thetaMin) * Vector3f(pHit.x, pHit.y, pHit.z); <<Compute coefficients for fundamental forms>> 
Float E = Dot(dpdu, dpdu); Float F = Dot(dpdu, dpdv); Float G = Dot(dpdv, dpdv); Vector3f N = Normalize(Cross(dpdu, dpdv)); Float e = Dot(N, d2Pduu); Float f = Dot(N, d2Pduv); Float g = Dot(N, d2Pdvv);
<<Compute partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v from fundamental form coefficients>> 
Float invEGF2 = 1 / (E * G - F * F); Normal3f dndu = Normal3f((f * F - e * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (e * F - f * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv); Normal3f dndv = Normal3f((g * F - f * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (f * F - g * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv);

<<Compute coefficients for fundamental forms>>= 
Float E = Dot(dpdu, dpdu); Float F = Dot(dpdu, dpdv); Float G = Dot(dpdv, dpdv); Vector3f N = Normalize(Cross(dpdu, dpdv)); Float e = Dot(N, d2Pduu); Float f = Dot(N, d2Pduv); Float g = Dot(N, d2Pdvv);

<<Compute partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential u and partial-differential bold n Subscript slash partial-differential v from fundamental form coefficients>>= 
Float invEGF2 = 1 / (E * G - F * F); Normal3f dndu = Normal3f((f * F - e * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (e * F - f * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv); Normal3f dndv = Normal3f((g * F - f * G) * invEGF2 * dpdu + (f * F - g * E) * invEGF2 * dpdv);

3.2.4 SurfaceInteraction Initialization

Having computed the surface parameterization and all the relevant partial derivatives, the SurfaceInteraction structure can be initialized with the geometric information for this intersection. The pError value passed to the SurfaceInteraction constructor bounds the rounding error in the computed pHit point. It is initialized in the fragment <<Compute error bounds for sphere intersection>>, which is defined later, in Section 3.9.4.

<<Initialize SurfaceInteraction from parametric information>>= 
*isect = (*ObjectToWorld)( SurfaceInteraction(pHit, pError, Point2f(u, v), -ray.d, dpdu, dpdv, dndu, dndv, ray.time, this));

Since there is an intersection, the tHit parameter to the Intersect() method is updated with the parametric hit distance along the ray, which was stored in tShapeHit. Updating *tHit allows subsequent intersection tests to terminate early if the potential hit would be farther away than the existing intersection.

<<Update tHit for quadric intersection>>= 
*tHit = (Float)tShapeHit;

A natural question to ask at this point is, “What effect does the world-to-object transformation have on the correct parametric distance to return?” Indeed, the intersection method has found a parametric distance to the intersection for the object space ray, which may have been translated, rotated, scaled, or worse when it was transformed from world space. However, it can be shown that the parametric distance to an intersection in object space is exactly the same as it would have been if the ray was left in world space and the intersection had been done there and, thus, tHit can be set directly. Note that if the object space ray’s direction had been normalized after the transformation, then this would no longer be the case and a correction factor related to the unnormalized ray’s length would be needed. This is another motivation for not normalizing the object space ray’s direction vector after transformation.

The Sphere::IntersectP() routine is almost identical to Sphere::Intersect(), but it does not initialize the SurfaceInteraction structure. Because the Intersect() and IntersectP() methods are always so closely related, in the following we will not show implementations of IntersectP() for the remaining shapes.

<<Sphere Method Definitions>>+=  
bool Sphere::IntersectP(const Ray &r, bool testAlphaTexture) const { Float phi; Point3f pHit; <<Transform Ray to object space>> 
Vector3f oErr, dErr; Ray ray = (*WorldToObject)(r, &oErr, &dErr);
<<Compute quadratic sphere coefficients>> 
<<Initialize EFloat ray coordinate values>> 
EFloat ox(ray.o.x, oErr.x), oy(ray.o.y, oErr.y), oz(ray.o.z, oErr.z); EFloat dx(ray.d.x, dErr.x), dy(ray.d.y, dErr.y), dz(ray.d.z, dErr.z);
EFloat a = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; EFloat b = 2 * (dx * ox + dy * oy + dz * oz); EFloat c = ox * ox + oy * oy + oz * oz - EFloat(radius) * EFloat(radius);
<<Solve quadratic equation for t values>> 
EFloat t0, t1; if (!Quadratic(a, b, c, &t0, &t1)) return false; <<Check quadric shape t0 and t1 for nearest intersection>> 
if (t0.UpperBound() > ray.tMax || t1.LowerBound() <= 0) return false; EFloat tShapeHit = t0; if (tShapeHit.LowerBound() <= 0) { tShapeHit = t1; if (tShapeHit.UpperBound() > ray.tMax) return false; }
<<Compute sphere hit position and phi >> 
pHit = ray((Float)tShapeHit); <<Refine sphere intersection point>> 
pHit *= radius / Distance(pHit, Point3f(0, 0, 0));
if (pHit.x == 0 && pHit.y == 0) pHit.x = 1e-5f * radius; phi = std::atan2(pHit.y, pHit.x); if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * Pi;
<<Test sphere intersection against clipping parameters>> 
if ((zMin > -radius && pHit.z < zMin) || (zMax < radius && pHit.z > zMax) || phi > phiMax) { if (tShapeHit == t1) return false; if (t1.UpperBound() > ray.tMax) return false; tShapeHit = t1; <<Compute sphere hit position and phi >> 
pHit = ray((Float)tShapeHit); <<Refine sphere intersection point>> 
pHit *= radius / Distance(pHit, Point3f(0, 0, 0));
if (pHit.x == 0 && pHit.y == 0) pHit.x = 1e-5f * radius; phi = std::atan2(pHit.y, pHit.x); if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * Pi;
if ((zMin > -radius && pHit.z < zMin) || (zMax < radius && pHit.z > zMax) || phi > phiMax) return false; }
return true; }

3.2.5 Surface Area

To compute the surface area of quadrics, we use a standard formula from integral calculus. If a curve y equals f left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis from x equals a to x equals b is revolved around the x axis, the surface area of the resulting swept surface is

2 pi integral Subscript a Superscript b Baseline f left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis StartRoot 1 plus left-parenthesis f prime left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-parenthesis squared EndRoot normal d x comma

where f prime left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis denotes the derivative normal d f slash normal d x . Since most of our surfaces of revolution are only partially swept around the axis, we will instead use the formula

phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline integral Subscript a Superscript b Baseline f left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis StartRoot 1 plus left-parenthesis f prime left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-parenthesis squared EndRoot normal d x period

The sphere is a surface of revolution of a circular arc. The function that defines the profile curve along the z axis of the sphere is

f left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals StartRoot r squared minus z squared EndRoot comma

and its derivative is

f prime left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals minus StartFraction z Over StartRoot r squared minus z squared EndRoot EndFraction period

Recall that the sphere is clipped at z Subscript normal m normal i normal n and z Subscript normal m normal a normal x . The surface area is therefore

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper A 2nd Column equals phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline integral Subscript z Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline Superscript z Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline Baseline StartRoot r squared minus z squared EndRoot StartRoot 1 plus StartFraction z squared Over r squared minus z squared EndFraction EndRoot normal d z 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline integral Subscript z Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline Superscript z Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline Baseline StartRoot r squared minus z squared plus z squared EndRoot normal d z 3rd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline integral Subscript z Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline Superscript z Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline Baseline r normal d z 4th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline r left-parenthesis z Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline minus z Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline right-parenthesis period EndLayout

For the full sphere phi Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline equals 2 pi , z Subscript normal m normal i normal n Baseline equals negative r , and z Subscript normal m normal a normal x Baseline equals r , so we have the standard formula upper A equals 4 pi r squared , confirming that the formula makes sense.

<<Sphere Method Definitions>>+=  
Float Sphere::Area() const { return phiMax * radius * (zMax - zMin); }